Saturday, November 12, 2011


I heard some good words today and I thought I would pass them on. Now a lot of times I post some pretty synical stuff that is centered around my own opinion. I admit it and I feel it's safe because you really have to try hard to get peoples attention these days! Sometime the trend is to be flagrant about the normal every day things and spice them up a bit with some creative narratives about how Sinister everything is. Once again I admit that a lot of it is fanfare to make things seem more interesting then they really are, but sometimes you don't need to make a big deal about it because it is good enough.

What I heard is good enough! The person said to Honor & Serve is a privilege that satisfies a person’s instinct to do good for others. I realized that is what I try to do when I write these Blogs. I try to take topics people most likely wouldn't discuss on their own and make the information familiar by bringing it to them. The Idea is that it will be easy and convenient to read the same article somewhere else, but when you hear a story told by a familiar perspective your more likely to care about the content.

The content which formed my message today is not an Idea, but an example. The example of people living their lives in the role of service to others. Recently the passing of two close friends of the family made me think about the Honor to Serve. In life we need people to Trust and Follow. Familiar  faces to give us direction in our time of need. I can honestly say that both of these special human beings did just that for me personally.

As you know or maybe you don't, the passing of a Leader of the Yakama Nation General Council brought together a lot of people to pay their respects and offer condolences to the family. In passing such as these, we reflect on the positive impacts this person had in our lives. I did just that with a memory of my Rodeo Days.
As a young man and pre-teen all the way into adolescence, I have attended Rodeos and been in the presence of Cowboys. You might say, "Gee, who hasn't?" and I would understand because to grow up in the Northwest without Horses & Cows is pretty rare. The part of being in the presence of Cowboys that is important is their Attitude!

Attitude that say's "Get up, Dust yourself off and get back on the Horse!" is pretty much a way of life for many people, particularly the ones I know. People who never made a big deal about the mistakes you made, but were more interested in seeing you succeed. This is the kind of man I saw leaving us and felt it will be real hard to find a worthy replacement because he was a one of a kind.

Likewise, I attended a funeral service that had all the same connotations and aspirations. The Lady worked in a role of service not only to the public or to our own government entity, but to her family as well. It is this kind loss that is the hardest when you see how much somebody meant to everybody and not only to you personally. The words of encouragement were also shared that "Although, it is the end of an Era, a new will begin."

It is this Idea that I have settled on for an understanding today. The Honor to Serve others and be of use to your family, the public and most of all yourself. This is what I celebrate on Veterans Day, plus the Respect of Honoring those who have done this in the Military. Those that have given the greatest sacrifice of all, their life so that we may enjoy the freedoms and the way of life we live. I salute you and take off my hat and bow my head in prayer for blessing our military men & women.
On a lighter note, I believe it is the Discipline of putting another persons safety before your own that builds the Strong Character we see in these people. It is the concept that we see missing in our modern time from the decisions affecting us all. God, Nation and Unity are the code of the Honorable! They understand the strength, power and most of all the courage that prevails from this order.

I can't recall a more outstanding example of Respect than a Soldier in his or her Uniform. They not only wear it with pride, but they behave in a way that makes any observer understand it is discipline of sacrifice. Going without sleep or food & water is the condition they find themselves in. Carrying loads of equipment for long distances and exercising endurance in unsuitable conditions. When you review the history of our people, you understand these are the same conditions they lived. We refer to our Elders as Warriors and even today I give this title to those that lead us. It is their sacrifice and steadfast encouragement that we must go on. Truth, Honor and Respect the lessons we must continue to teach our children and our children's children.

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag," doesn't just mean the American Flag or any other Flag on Display. In Ceremonies, it's not a flag at all, but an Eagle Feather. Just like the Soldier who holds this idea close to his heart, the Indian Warrior knows and understands the battle he endures with his enemy. Today our people battle with alcohol & drug abuse, poverty and racism. Our Warriors fight for Treaties and Protect the Land. Our soldiers are in as much a battle of spirit, as they are protecting the rights of the people because at every turn bigots question their integrity. Courts are the latest battlefield for sovereign entitlements and contracts with the government. Self Determination is our War Cry & Freedom to pursue our Traditional Way of Life.

All across the world the fight is the same, for people to practice religion & customs of their ancestors. The need for peaceful solutions has been exhausted and fights to be acknowledged as true servants of God has plagued the Earth. What has been done to Indians is now the policy world wide, "Divide & Conquer!" This new era is upon us and if we do not sound our battle cry, we will be silenced until we are to be heard no more. We must learn the language of Education, Legal Terms and Government if we want to exist. We must protect ourselves with Growth of our own Economic power to be self-sustained and plentiful.

The Battle for equality will go on, but today we acknowledge the Rider Less Horse. The Loved One that did not return and the Boots, Helmet and Rifle propped up in their place. We pause for a moment of silence and sing our National Anthem for the Soldier knows: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, God Bless the United States of America!

Friday, October 21, 2011



I was going to say, "Watch all the Humbugglers Rumble," but before I could even finish the story they did right in the end. Man now that's it people who are against every single move this guy makes. Please explain to me how moving fellow Americans out of harms way is a bad thing? I dare you, no I Triple Dog Dare You! Try, without using a theoretical scenario where all of sudden the absence of U.S. Troops causes an Al-Qaeda vacuum back into Iraq. Really? REALLY? no really? Since when has the unknown become the replacement for fact? I'll tell you when, it was when we were going in there for WMD's. I take my hat of too every American Soldier that Served in the Middle East and Elsewhere! You are all Heroes! You protected us from the Dark boot of the Tyrant of Tyranny.,0,1761468.story

Let me see if I get this right, Herman Cain is okay to be President because he is a Conservative Republican that believes a Ruling class will create Jobs for everybody else. If you are Poor, Unemployed and lost your Home to a Bad Mortgage, you have only yourself to blame! You shouldn't be down at Wall St. protesting the American Dream is fixed to seat the Super rich & Greedy. You should be over at the White House protesting to an Administration that started with a self induced Stock Market Crash, Two Un-Funded Wars and a back slide into a Great depression.

To quote a man that looks older in three years then most people do in Ten, "It's not Partisan politics, it's simple Math!" I wonder, how much of that paycheck of yours goes to fund things you don't support. Let me see, Schools? seems kinda important. Hospitals? Maybe Law Enforcement? what about Roads & Bridges, we don't need them... Look! I would rather not pay for anything either, but I do and you don't hear me crying about it.

I will be the first one to admit, Pure Waste just pisses me off! Socialism? Communism? Have you ever seen these things? I have and I tell you not in a my lifetime, I haven't identified any policy close to it. If you ever see what life is like in a Third World Country, believe me you won't care what they call the Government. Really, you won't because you will be shocked at what kind of poverty is possible. When your in a Foreign Country that has Communism they don't have Police because they are the police. Soldiers stand on the corner of every City Block with AK-47's. Tanks sit right in the middle of the street. It's not because they are at war or they're scared of Terrorism, it is how they Rule! If you talk to somebody your not suppose too or say something wrong, they haul you away! No Trial, no judge or Lawyer. Just haul you away and lock you up somewhere.

The United States of America has gone into regions such as these against every piece of good advice known to man, to fight Terrorism. They have spent more than 4,000 human lives and over 100,000 K wounded. As a result, the young generation of these deeply rooted regimes have been over-thrown by the Arab Spring. Although the pessimism in me doesn't think they will achieve Democracy, they will allow themselves to join the Global Community to be seated at the table. Instead of being sanctioned and receding into extremism, they will be allowed to be educated in something other than Death to infidels.

This might not appeal to everybody, but it all happened because of changes in foreign policy. Using firm opposition to making deals with terrorists. Using Drones & Elite Forces in Assassinations of key figures of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Pakistan and maybe even Turkey.
So, to the skeptics who get a kick out of donning tri-cornered hats and pledging allegiance to two hundred year old philosophy, "Good Day Sir!" your free to do so because of that constitution that either your hiding behind or tearing to shreds.

If John McCain would have been elected president, we would all been afraid he was going to die and at any moment the dits from bat-shitville would become our supreme queen of the ball. He probably wanted to kick the shit out of the jerk who suggested it, but the Republican Party was in a slump and they needed some enthusiasm. Well they got it now, but there still in the same boat because of instead of being the mavericks there still CB-ing!

Here is the Deal! No matter how much we would like to, we can't turn back the clock. We as a human race have been walking upright for along time, so it makes no sense to go back to clubbing each other in the head. The Christians, I'm one and the European Ancestry, I have it too. Tax payer, your looking at one and registered voter too. So, what's really the problem? I ask because I don't seem so foreign to rich people that they watch what they say. When I do inform people that making racial comments or ridicule about another is rude, they act surprised. Like I'm the one who is wrong for not wearing a sign that say's "I'm a Minority."

Liberals are aware of this fact because they don't conceal themselves to private schools or secret societies. They usually don't go to Churches that only accepts tidings in check form based on greater numbers depending on how loud the whispers. The parents encourage diversity because they themselves have been exposed to it and are wiser. Being afraid of misunderstanding is misunderstood in America and now were celebrating it.

We are riding the coat tails of a past time where women knew their place and colored meant something negative. No longer do we address each other by surname because everybody is the same now. Privilege is something of the past that only exists in a closed society like the Country Club or the Lady's Tea Auxiliary. People from all walks of life have a chance to be successful through hard work and determination. There is no more "free lunch," today.

You can say, I'm contradicting myself because of social programs, but if history has taught us anything it's that it repeats itself. The Roaring Twenties happened because of unbridled Capitalism. The stock market crash, the great depression and today we wait for Armageddon! Let me tell you if Y2K taught us anything, it is that frenzy is wishful thinking for the fanatic. So, yes I'm a anti-fanatic which is along way from being anti-semitic.

Isn't that what is really under all this hypocrisy?
Racism buried underneath a mountain of money?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This is interesting week so far, Michael Jackson's Doctor is on trial for Manslaughter? Gross negligence? or just being way too close to Michael Jackson? Amanda Knox is redeemed in an Appeal Case of Murdering Her Roommate. Macintosh/Apple Ceo Steve Jobs passed away and Protesters March on Wall Street.

You might say that one of those things has to do with Democracy, but I beg to differ and let me tell you why. In this Country we are all a part of a Network of instrumental parts to a Union. State of the Union, Unions, United states of America. " All for one and one for ALL." This my friends is so True that even the Mightiest Mavericks and Rouge Conspirators cannot escape the grips of our dilema.

I write my thoughts in this Blog post as I often do with a hint of Sarcasm, a little opinion and a whole lot a dos of reality. You see, I'm just a local boy on the rez with armchair Quarter back aspirations and a keyboard with internet access. These words more than likely get a a small pause by my friends who I share the links with and get a small response, "there he goes again, ranting on about some kind of nonsense." You see, I know this and I don't care because I am aware of a bigger picture here. In the Broader Scope of a simple Update or a mobile picture shared to the Internet, there are Data Collectors out there. Without being too Technical, an Internet Server is sitting somewhere with a program running that matches words too ideas, ideas too subjects and so on and so forth... The outcome is that when analyst is tasked with taking the information and making it mean something, They will undoubt-did-lee look for the peaks & valleys in the Data. Which means something will stick out! In all of the far off vision or in some deep recess of Government Secret Lair, no doubt a barely over teenager will point to the information provided here and say it's raising the Curve above normal expectation. It will be the only thing that is focused on and will cause much scrutiny.

Now you might say to yourself, "Why on earth would somebody want to recieve much Scrutiny?"  here is my Theory on that: "The Squeaky Wheel gets the Grease." In this Case, I'm that squeaky wheel
and the Grease is I'll be allowed to contribute to electronic Data. If not for any other reason, but because of suspicion. You see the world is getting smaller and smaller everyday. Pretty soon the powers that be will be finding reasons to cut people off of the internet. Today they call it Net Neutrality, but what it means is that network traffic will become segregated. They are already doing it in Mobile networks where the preferred customer ($$) is on the top level. Then less contributors ($) will be under them and so on and so forth. You will all of a sudden be aware of it, but not until you visit a rich friend and realize he or she can watch videos with little or no effort, Download whole libraries of music or find anybody on the internet. This of course is bad if you can't do the same, but let me tell you the worst part.

Remember how this Blog started with some mentions of a few popular stories & Democracy. Well let me clear up any confusion by telling you that the producers of those stories ie: Media Corporations, alias preferred customers ($$) will freely move about on the Top tier Networks. They will be scavenging the lower or lesser network users (you & me) to see what we talk about, what we like and try to sell it to us. Seems fair right? Not exactly because if you remember it was your and my tax dollars that started the internet. The argument that is now presented in this Nations Government (Our Government), is that these Companies spend Billions of dollars building these networks. I say that is not convincing either because they use our money again, as customers, too build these networks.

Think of it like the Matrix where the Rebel, Morpheus must find the chosen one to battle Mr. Smith. If you recall Mr. Smith was a computer program that magically appeared in the presence of the small group who new the truth about the matrix. Everybody else was just living in tiny bubbles while being recycled and fed to the others with their only reality being a fantasy. You see? the tiny bubbles of reality are our little cubicles where were earn our little paychecks, while the Government gets into bed with Giant Corporations to conspire too make us believe we need the little bubbles to be happy.

Those little bubbles are the stories about Michael Jackson's Doctor and Amanda Knox or whatever can be used as a distraction, so that we won't pay attention too the Morpheus crew on Wall Street. I'm like the phone that rings on the wall and when you answer it, your transported back to reality.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Quranic Verses

Okay, so I took the time too research the Quran, Nation of Islam and the works of the Prophet Mohammed. I got to tell you, the Ba$$ Ackward Hill Billies in this Country are not only ignorant for saying the things they said! but their extremely Lazy! I can honestly say this because I am a Christian and the Prophet Muhammad teachings or surahs are just like the Book of daniel and the Book of Paul. Revelations, the Old Testament and even the Teachings of Jesus are all there in the Quran! So some Blind as bat! Hill billy that wants to burn the Quran, should of took the time to read it before he got some 100 plus people killed. Yeah! I'm mad at the event, but it doesn't make me Terrorist or a Sympathizer or anything! The basic concept of religion is truly overrated in this day & age. The fact that people find a structure of discipline and reference a belief in a higher power too guide them is as old as the Human race. We place so much emphasis on Race & Social Status that we forget to acknowledge each other as Human Beings first. My Beef goes further than some in-breed who doesn't know any better because today there are self interest groups who take advantage of these people. Muhammad was man who took the ideas of his time and formed them into concepts. Later, followers of his teachings banded together to form a Religion. That's it really! When you look up words like, "Jihad, Fatwa and Imam," they are not the scary fear based words that the Media makes them out to be. Jihad, means to pick up a sword or Religious War! Holy War! I admit it does sound extreme, but think about the Ancient Times? Alexander the Great, The Roman Empire and The New World for examples. History is filled with Violent Missions to spread the word, both Political and Literally. When you take the Majority of the Nations that are of Ethnic Background and compare it to the Christian Religion, you get like 75% Muslim countries vs. 20% European countries. Leaving 5% for Jewish States and other Religions, this means if you consider all believers in the Nation of Islam to be violent extremists then were screwed! Fatwa is a proclamation by an Imam or somebody with Spiritual Authority too provide a definition or clarification about a vague statement. So, whoever turned it into a mafia style "Hit," was incorrect! I think that many of the younger generation of Muslims are more than likely being mislead. In other countries they actually discourage researching ideas that don't support the beliefs of the Regime in power. I don't mean like they frown upon it, but more like they imprison their own citizens and outlaw teachings of opposing ideas. Now that's censorship and if you look closely at the movement in America, the Far Right is not to far behind these ideas. Even though they don't just prohibit alternative Religions or Life Styles, they are consistently moving towards bold stances of intolerance! The present campaign for 2012 election has candidates that want to make amendments to the founding documents of this nation. The provisions provide everything from reversing the separation of church & state to teaching creationism opposed to evolution. Now that's disturbing, not only because it completely ignores disciplines of facts, but because it's being wrapped into Fear Based campaigns. So too review,  a campaign based on fear is established by picking a scape goat. In this instance, a Bogey Man or a Muslim because of the Attack on the World Trade Center. The Nation of Islam denounced the Terrorist actions and followers of Shiria Law identified the sects of Al-Qaeda & Osama Ben Laden. All across the Middle Eastern Region, Dictators have fallen and a more judicial form of Government is replacing it. Now, notice I didn't say a Democratic Government is replacing the Dictatorship. This is because even though they are democratic, they are still Muslim Nations that have a Cultural as well as Religious base. Hence, the frustration with a Religious (Conservative) Base which claims to provide the only path forward. History shows that it doesn't work and the only way forward is by inclusion and not by exclusion. This is what drives me in my writing against the forms of literature that seclude popular ideas as status quo. Status Quo means the state of things present, as opposed to previous. Now if Right Wing groups wanted to take things back to the 70's where they were unimpressed with Jimmy Carter, I wouldn't mind. Even the current Administration tries too compromise with policy that originated in the Ronald Reagan (80's) years ie: Tax Code & Trade Policy. What the GOP wants is 30- 50's style Government, Cold War Economy! The Communists! Socialism! See how much of an impact I make when I use those words? The Truth is in those days, The Middle East was an after thought or just a place where we established a theater for War to attack Russia. After the Arms Race slowed down, all these Mercenaries that we trained got left behind with weapons & war mentality hence, Al-Qaeda & Osama Ben Laden. Muslims with American Education and aschewed view of Capitalism that needed to prove they were feared. So, what did we do? Invaded Iraq? What? Exactly, we wasted Ten Years & Thousands, if not Hundred of Thousands of Lives. I know this is hard to hear and I could even be called a Traitor for saying it, but once again Facts versus Belief. This is the the World we live in, Status Quo, the present, the state of existing affairs. The 21st Century will be known for alot of things, but a state of "Lack of Information," won't be one of them. You might ask why? "Donald, you live in a tiny little sliver of a vast Nation." Why do you care what people think of Muslims or the Nation of Islam? Well to Answer the Question, It is the 48th Anniversary of Martin Luther King JR's "I have a Dream Speech." Although these are different times and they won't be able to celebrate or mark the occasion as planned because of Hurricane Irene on the East Coast. "I have a Plan," In this plan, people who don't know or understand the potential to be misguided is as great as it ever has been. The plan is to be informed and inform others when they seek guidance. My guidance consists of other possibilities and other belief systems. Not to convert people, but too allow them to discover their own beliefs and understandings. Just as, "The March on the Mall," took place, we the people will make change happen for our Generation & the Next. The Million Man March began an awareness that led to the Election of the first African American President. Since then, we have been disappointed by the fact that one man has not been successful to turn a country that has been set in the same way for half of a Century! This notion that More is Less in Government is not an accident. Less Services to the People because they're Poor people is the underlying motivation. Because it's the Immigrants and the Less fortunate that are bringing this Country down. No! I'm sorry that Muslims are not the answer for your modern day lynching. I have been to other countries and the Idea that we can sustain a prosperous lifestyle without producing anything, is false! Native Americans and their untapped resources are the only source of "Promise Land," left today. We will need to be guided in good faith & prayer not to fall for anything because we stand for something. I stand with these words to say, "I don't condone the slander of other races or religions for the benefit of the wealthy to gain more wealth."

Friday, August 5, 2011

20 Seconds 70 Shots

"20 Seconds 70 Shots," is the way the Headline reads in the local newspaper. The story is about a known gang member who has violated parol, sworn to go down in a firefight and makes good on this promise by cruising in a stolen car then leading a high speed chase. I need to ask anyone bothering to read this blog, "what is wrong with this picture?" We'll the answer is a number of things. Before I go defending the Assailant and blaming the issue on Cops & society, I had to ask myself this question: "Who am I really mad at?" Many times, I use this Blog to blow off steam or make a point of some kind. It's like therapy sometimes, you know to take my frustration and write it down on a piece of paper then crumple up the paper and throw it away. Which in my mind is an excellent metaphor for the choices made in this case. Let's start with the Suspect, one Lance Nanamkin: He does a 22 month stint for his involvement in a murder case of a rival gang member. So little time I guess because his gun jammed so technically he didn't kill the rival, but his friend did. Okay that seems seems bad enough, but then he gets out of prison. He's on parole and is found in violation. I say, "Wow," couldn't see that coming like 800 pound gorilla and here is where I make my case. The Law Officers are looking for him and some how he has communicated to them that he has a machine gun! Let me say it again, "The Law Officers are looking for him and some how he has communicated to them that he has a machine gun!" You might say, "Donald, why did you say it twice because I understood you the first time." Really? because that's my point, the Law knew he had a machine gun. Doesn't it bother you that you could have been casually going to Target when this stand off happened. I mean think about it... You see the cops surround someone and you go, "Wow that's interesting!" then he starts shooting at them with a Fully Automatic! Huh, just like the movies. Here is my problem with it, in the movies the guys some known bad guy who has lived some type of life where the conclusions obvious. Okay, same difference here right? Wrong! I don't know about you, but in my Reality: some kid get's a hold of a AR 14, is not my version of people being Served & Protected. I have a big problem with the fact that not only does this guy have a weapon, but he rides around with it for awhile. So, yeah the Cops take him out! I'm mad at the Cops and not him, but let me tell you why. It seems to me that in this day, the terrorists are the nut jobs who go down in a hail of bullets. It seems justified enough because they deserve it. I write them off just like everybody else in society and go on in my life. Here is the deal though, we write off these disposable people because we have no use for them. I ask myself if this is really true? What's the difference between a guy with a badge trained to shoot, then a guy with a record? The difference is that there is no difference! You can say that it's not true, but here is something you might not have considered. Guns know no allegiance to the shooters intention. They do the job of evening the playing field. The purpose of a fully automatic with bigger than average clip full of say 50 or a 100 rounds, speaks for itself. It says, "I intend to engage with fire where I will release more bullets then my enemy." This is where I want you to pay close attention. Ask yourself, "Why are these type of weapons available?" It would be easy to disregard my question and skip ahead to an argument of even if they're not legal, criminals would get a hold of them. Again, the question is, "Why are these type of weapons available?" You might answer, "They're not and explain me the existing gun laws." No matter how you answer, it won't change the fact that these type of weapons are available. If they're available, people will get them and probably not the one's you would like to have them. So I'm against gun rights, no I'm not at all in the least. This subject was brought up when "Collinbine, " happened. It was brought up when "Virginia Tech, " happened and I'm bringing it up now! You see, I work in a field where the point is too strategically detect events of a suspicious nature. One of the principles of doing this is to identify certain circumstances you can control and predict other situations where you can't. I have a beef with the fact that we live in area that is 98% agriculture, yet everybody knows that the main export is drugs! That's why you have gangs and hence gang violence. Look I'm not knocking anybody here, but when are we going to own up to our own reality. People use substances to cope with life. Maybe it's Poverty, Neglect, Abuse or some other down trodden experience. It exists and it's fact and all those other things we would rather not talk about or acknowledge, but it's there. So, how come we as community can't impose our beliefs that the current Law is not working. People might say, "your giving in," or " you can't let the lunatics run the asylum," You know what? I think it's to late for that! We can build all the Jails and Task Force we want, but were always going to outnumbered as long as there is an illegal market for this stuff. So, a criminal goes down and several officers are given a paid vacation. How much does that cost the tax paying public? Not only do we get less service, shell out more for the cops working overtime to cover for the one's on leave, but we also pay for the life saving care to the criminal. I read these words and I admit that it sounds heart less because I just refer to generic labels and don't emphasize the fact that these are actual people I'm talking about. When Laws are judged on the structure of just principle ideas and not translated in a way too be effective, we are living in a lawless society and therefore need all the firearms we can get. I think that's the part of the story that you won't see in the headlines or will be covered as the Top Story on any Network!