Friday, October 21, 2011



I was going to say, "Watch all the Humbugglers Rumble," but before I could even finish the story they did right in the end. Man now that's it people who are against every single move this guy makes. Please explain to me how moving fellow Americans out of harms way is a bad thing? I dare you, no I Triple Dog Dare You! Try, without using a theoretical scenario where all of sudden the absence of U.S. Troops causes an Al-Qaeda vacuum back into Iraq. Really? REALLY? no really? Since when has the unknown become the replacement for fact? I'll tell you when, it was when we were going in there for WMD's. I take my hat of too every American Soldier that Served in the Middle East and Elsewhere! You are all Heroes! You protected us from the Dark boot of the Tyrant of Tyranny.,0,1761468.story

Let me see if I get this right, Herman Cain is okay to be President because he is a Conservative Republican that believes a Ruling class will create Jobs for everybody else. If you are Poor, Unemployed and lost your Home to a Bad Mortgage, you have only yourself to blame! You shouldn't be down at Wall St. protesting the American Dream is fixed to seat the Super rich & Greedy. You should be over at the White House protesting to an Administration that started with a self induced Stock Market Crash, Two Un-Funded Wars and a back slide into a Great depression.

To quote a man that looks older in three years then most people do in Ten, "It's not Partisan politics, it's simple Math!" I wonder, how much of that paycheck of yours goes to fund things you don't support. Let me see, Schools? seems kinda important. Hospitals? Maybe Law Enforcement? what about Roads & Bridges, we don't need them... Look! I would rather not pay for anything either, but I do and you don't hear me crying about it.

I will be the first one to admit, Pure Waste just pisses me off! Socialism? Communism? Have you ever seen these things? I have and I tell you not in a my lifetime, I haven't identified any policy close to it. If you ever see what life is like in a Third World Country, believe me you won't care what they call the Government. Really, you won't because you will be shocked at what kind of poverty is possible. When your in a Foreign Country that has Communism they don't have Police because they are the police. Soldiers stand on the corner of every City Block with AK-47's. Tanks sit right in the middle of the street. It's not because they are at war or they're scared of Terrorism, it is how they Rule! If you talk to somebody your not suppose too or say something wrong, they haul you away! No Trial, no judge or Lawyer. Just haul you away and lock you up somewhere.

The United States of America has gone into regions such as these against every piece of good advice known to man, to fight Terrorism. They have spent more than 4,000 human lives and over 100,000 K wounded. As a result, the young generation of these deeply rooted regimes have been over-thrown by the Arab Spring. Although the pessimism in me doesn't think they will achieve Democracy, they will allow themselves to join the Global Community to be seated at the table. Instead of being sanctioned and receding into extremism, they will be allowed to be educated in something other than Death to infidels.

This might not appeal to everybody, but it all happened because of changes in foreign policy. Using firm opposition to making deals with terrorists. Using Drones & Elite Forces in Assassinations of key figures of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Pakistan and maybe even Turkey.
So, to the skeptics who get a kick out of donning tri-cornered hats and pledging allegiance to two hundred year old philosophy, "Good Day Sir!" your free to do so because of that constitution that either your hiding behind or tearing to shreds.

If John McCain would have been elected president, we would all been afraid he was going to die and at any moment the dits from bat-shitville would become our supreme queen of the ball. He probably wanted to kick the shit out of the jerk who suggested it, but the Republican Party was in a slump and they needed some enthusiasm. Well they got it now, but there still in the same boat because of instead of being the mavericks there still CB-ing!

Here is the Deal! No matter how much we would like to, we can't turn back the clock. We as a human race have been walking upright for along time, so it makes no sense to go back to clubbing each other in the head. The Christians, I'm one and the European Ancestry, I have it too. Tax payer, your looking at one and registered voter too. So, what's really the problem? I ask because I don't seem so foreign to rich people that they watch what they say. When I do inform people that making racial comments or ridicule about another is rude, they act surprised. Like I'm the one who is wrong for not wearing a sign that say's "I'm a Minority."

Liberals are aware of this fact because they don't conceal themselves to private schools or secret societies. They usually don't go to Churches that only accepts tidings in check form based on greater numbers depending on how loud the whispers. The parents encourage diversity because they themselves have been exposed to it and are wiser. Being afraid of misunderstanding is misunderstood in America and now were celebrating it.

We are riding the coat tails of a past time where women knew their place and colored meant something negative. No longer do we address each other by surname because everybody is the same now. Privilege is something of the past that only exists in a closed society like the Country Club or the Lady's Tea Auxiliary. People from all walks of life have a chance to be successful through hard work and determination. There is no more "free lunch," today.

You can say, I'm contradicting myself because of social programs, but if history has taught us anything it's that it repeats itself. The Roaring Twenties happened because of unbridled Capitalism. The stock market crash, the great depression and today we wait for Armageddon! Let me tell you if Y2K taught us anything, it is that frenzy is wishful thinking for the fanatic. So, yes I'm a anti-fanatic which is along way from being anti-semitic.

Isn't that what is really under all this hypocrisy?
Racism buried underneath a mountain of money?

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