Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On Second thought

Lately, I had some correspondence with my family. I let them know that I was aware of recent events pertaining to some emotional outpouring in the community. I thought I said all I had to say, but on second thought I have a lot more to express. It was triggered by the Sport Section of the Local News Paper. The Two Section Story covered YVCC Womens Basketball. The story held a special interest for me because I know personally of the emotion involved.

The first is the gratification of victory. I was an athlete in High School and graduated from the same school, as the young lady in the story. Her Parents were a year ahead of me in School and I know them quite well. I also attended YVCC and have a sentimental connection to one particular event at this local community college.
My daughter goes to Wapato and is a Senior. She is also an accomplished athlete, as well as an academic champion. The competitive spirit is a pillar in my upbringing and is shared with great success by all members of my family. It is for this reason that I reflect on the inspiration, the spirit and humility of the entire situation. It's not often I witness a perfect storm of events motivating me to address memories I have of those days. I was a winner after losing, rebuilding my physical posture and developing a mental aspect that lead to success. It wasn't an accident that Bobby, Father to the girl in the story, was my team mate. We had a lot of outstanding athletes in our High School, but there was something special about my Team mates. We were together since Middle School and Junior High and seemed undefeated in Solidarity. I was Wrestler, a Cross-Country runner and played on the Football team. Now, the Football was mainly just a character building experience because I was one of the smallest players on the team. In Junior High School, we were getting beat rather badly by a much bigger, faster team. The coach put me in as an attempt to let me play because I didn't see a lot of Varsity play. It would be our last possession of the game as the clock was less than a minute to go. Sydney John, the Quarterback called my number for a butt and hook, which is a play where the wide receiver runs about 15 yards down the field then makes a question mark. It started at the 50 yard line and ended just over the next first down marker. I caught the ball just like in practice, but what happened next will live in my mind forever. Instead of lining up at the scrimmage line, the line men ran to pick me up after getting tackled by a rather large safety. They put me up on there shoulders and ran around the field cheering.

It's that kind of spirit that we share. It didn't matter that we were losing. The team saw one play as the Victory at the end of a not so great season.

Second, the emotion of winning while experiencing a incredible feeling of loss came to me as well. The YVCC Womens Basketball Team was in Triumph, while at the same time feeling loss. I sympathize with their mixed emotions, as a whole community does too. Recently, the White Swan community made an unprecedented attendance at the State Tournament, after experiencing a tragic wildfire taking twenty homes and displacing many families. Since then, there has been an outpouring of neighboring community support. I think it's time we recognize these tremendous events as human circumstances that bring us all together. The Tremendous celebratory emotion of the Human Spirit that brings us all together. We are victorious in that we are one, we are incredibly strong! The greater connections we seek together and the outcome of those efforts are the Hope of future Generations.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Snooki's Nook

My Life pales in comparison to Reality T.V. star, Snooki. You see i didn't have a photo shoot on rolling Stone Magazine. Un-like Charlie Sheen, I didn't appear on 20 different shows to confirm, "Duh, Winning!" what I did do was go to the store and by myself a breakfast nook>pictured in many pieces above<No, I spent a wonderful afternoon figuring this thing out so I could eat Captain Crunch in style, "Rrrrragh!"

Now, as you can see I needed the space> Although, it's going to be awfully hard to replace the creativity of the sticker covered dining chair. <

Now, if your like me seeing the first picture of assorted pieces and this combination of several packages...
You would been reflecting as I did with the curious statement of, "What did I get myself into here?"

As you can see, I pushed myself past the urge to put everything back into the box and head for the return line and got off to a pretty decent start. Mind you this after several trips to the instruction manual and a few quick jaunts to the tool shed to get just the right combination of Mr. Fix It gear.

Now that's fine craftmanship  that only a nine year old from China can offer!

Things were looking up in the world! I do got to remind myself to drive by that Semi full of re-conditioned Drills and other Power Tools because my  Ridgid power screwdriver has had it by now.

It doesn't look like much has changed but it took a feat of Jason and the Argonauts against the Greek God's to get that corner piece to line up just right for my boombox!

The Table! Yes that is right the goal of what I want is to be as exciting as Snooki on that Rocket on the cover of R.Stone or perhaps Charlie Sheen can pass out on my< Snooki Nook >.

Ladies and Gentlemen a evening of fine dining will be prepared shortly...

Added benefit when you have to In-Laws over for Tea Time!

Don't forget to reward yourself with some much needed replenishment after such a painstaking task you deserve it.

Well, as you can see, I thoroughly enjoyed putting together this little breakfast Nook, almost as much as I enjoyed posting the endeavor. It cost me less than two bills and I tell ya, that is alot less then I use to spend in one afternoon trying to be cool as my Two and Half Man Idol or his Girlfriend.