Thursday, August 4, 2016

Midnight in America

All I know is class system or Charlemagne's cavalry and the kingdom of the Franks. We have such western way of thinking today that deduces us to assignments of wealth or status, but the romantic times of Gaul or the mad mission of Don Quixote. Things like the writing of Sir Walter Scot interest me also. I will disclose right now that this entry into what seems to become a political blog for me is highly plagiarized. Since that doesn't seem to matter anymore I put together a number of quotes and recitations to support the essential argument that is being made right now in America. See even though you won't hear me come right out and say it, I've mentioned just about everything I know according to feeders of influence in western society, but I've been very careful to not mention the Moors which I will now. Personally, I avoid talking about them because of the circumstances today. Once people hear the word Arabic, they're more or less immediately suspicious, but as a genuine interest in history how can we not discuss them. In the times of Corsica & Sardinia, The use of the Moore's heads in coats of arms and territories seem to be more or less a mockery of capturing their empire even up to the last pope Benedict XVI, but that is related to crusades of Christian versus Muslim. Now being a descendant of Native American heritage, I could easily point out the hypocrisy of the crusades and back up my debate with numerous recitations in history, but for simplicity let's just discuss the historical influences of the cultural contribution to the things I'm discussing here. I'm not going to attempt to write his name, but it means son of a Gothic woman, Sarah the Goth traveled to Damascus and married an Arab and had a son who wrote the conjugation of verbs. Now this is important because it contributes to the legal interpretation of estates and their descendants. See a lot of people don't acknowledge the fact that Arab Royalty were heralded for their scholarship of dynasty. From Morroco to Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad, it is referred to as the Holiest city. The Royal Clock tower is the world's third largest building with the largest floor space. This term Mecca is really pronounced Mekkah, but foreigners use the translation to mean a place that draws a large number of people. The reason I bring it up is because in a nearby cave the arch angel Gabriel began to bestow divine knowledge to the prophet which in turn later became Islam. That's where I believe separation begins in determining race & religion because as a Christian one finds the new testament as their guiding principle, but as a follower of the teachings in the bible, one would have to go further back in time to the old testament to locate empires and their rulers. Even the logic of time is kept accurate. It's like I once said previously that studying language is more telling in understanding origination in culture as the split in different dialects is directly parallel to ethnic origin. It is said that they're three original languages, Indo-European, Semitic and Aryan. Nazi's chose the word Aryan to describe a blonde master race, but Aryan's are a linguistic group rather than a genetic group. Same is true for the Semitic family which includes the Arabs and the Jews. Last we have the Finno-Ugric group which is spread out across the map, it's the language of Hungary as well as the Baltic and Estonian tribes. So desensitizing the words Aryan to understand that it's meaning discusses a group of people who speak the same language is crucial to understanding much of the modern science that follows. Things like Flora & Fauna environmentally separated and evolution where Fauna is split into two groups the Ethereal & Aquatic, contribute in understanding that species can use oxygen from the environment or breath it from the air. I went a bit scientific there, but only to point out the positive and negative connotations of language and how it contributes to the consideration of facts. No one person is expected to treat everything as equal as we tend to favor explanations that coincide with our own understanding. Even though I'm quite exasperated by the current republican nominee for president, I can't help but wonder if his heritage has anything to do with his rhetoric. Besides keeping great speeches in his bedside cabinet from the Fuhrer, I can't help but wonder if the connection to Swiss & Austria has anything to do with his self-made importance. We see his interest in Slovenia and Russia at face value. He is involved at many levels with investments in those areas and it's almost as everything right down to his arranged marriage is pointing towards something obvious that Americans just refuse to realize either though lack of sophistication or some sort of color blindness that dims their vision to see his motivation to acquire power. I don't mean to turn this message into a political slam, but it's interesting because the media never brings up these facts and I think it would reduce the amount of confusion into who this man is and what he believes because of the obvious connection to Aryan Supremacy. I ventured into it briefly discussing science, but the essential enigma of intelligence & intellect are wide spread debatable facts. It's not like we don't know about it and haven't been in these arguments before . Before I drop it though, I find it funny that everything it supposedly represents this figure is none of those things, so it defeats the central them of elevated supremacy. I found this book on Amazon. Now bear with me because I'm going to include the detailed notes so you can get a feel for what some of the core values were talking about here because like I said in inner circles it's important to understand what people use as their guiding principles. I also warn you that it's long and hard to follow, but these aren't my words there taken from a best seller for a particular audience. "Earth's biota has already crossed lots of periodical geological catastrophes (apocalypses) every 7000÷13000 years. Early developed Aryans, evolved from the Cro-Magnon people and became the tallest clever people in the world of 8 to 10 feet. First king in the pre-flood world became supreme priest of Lemuria his Excellency Baal, ~15,500B.C. The Aryans founded their settlements over the Eurasian end African Continents and formed huge Empire of Lemuria which destroyed by Atlantis. Planetary Empire Atlantis had been destroyed by last Apocalypse in 10,465bc. Their civil and military (including atomic) vehicles mainly captured by potentate from Delhi. Before the world nuclear war - Nuclear Conspiracy Against Aryan Race, Hermes Trismegistus built up the majestic Giza Complex in Egypt. We've decoded to you the old Aryan and Aryan-Areal alphabets, antediluvian engraved writing in the Libya and Baalbek. In the book is published smaller Aryan-Latin-English dictionary and decoded antediluvian texts. You will understand terrible sensational news – who was robbing sunken Atlantis Isles during the Cold War. Of course here is published conclusive evidence on robbing. Ground-breaking date for the main-streamers on Stonehenge - 10,450B.C. and what is written in the Stonehenge by using planetary coordinates and how the Stonehenge confirms date written on the Giza Plateau. Atlantis Isles sunken in 10,465B.C, but survived many Aryan military nuclear vehicles, including lots of powerful nuclear bombs in the nuclear bases of "Agarthy", within the interiors of rocky mountains. Surviving Aryans created two hostile military groups "Orion" and "Draco". Center of the "Orion" was Jerusalem. Center of "Draco" became "Elephant City" - Delhi.... ...This is an amazing, unique and most sensational book ever written to you…." Now that's real and it isn't a hoax book or paperback for fiction based entertainment. So much for guiding principles!! No wonder conservatives want to do away with science and start teaching creationism according to their references the earth is nine thousand years older than previously proven. People were walking around ten feet tall before the dinosaurs and they had Nuclear power which was used to destroy Atlantis. Well I'll be! Conspiracy theory isn't just a current dementia because it's been alive and kicking even before the first single cell microbe bacteria apparently. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. Anyway, so yeah facts matter because this fact-less campaign that has been going on for about a decade is getting a little tiresome. There isn't really anything left to say about it all except oh yeah, the Russians are coming the Russians are coming! I'm really going to hit below the belt now. I was reading that the majority of this years supporters, let's pull a number out of my arse, say 43% according to Kaiser Family Foundation & Harvard University are "non-college white males." It goes on to say that these unemployed men between the ages of 26-46 are living at home with their parents. Now I'm no one to mock this because at one time in my day I stayed five months in between school and employment at my parent's house. I have a hard time swallowing the fact that 64.5 percent of the voters in the 2012 election were non-college white males though. The balance between now and then is we actually have more white males in college because of the lending laws they didn't vote for or more precisely that they voted against, so the guiding principle or policy of the platform of the party has more to do with keeping young white men unemployed than anything. This is true even more so because when you add voting regulation that makes it harder to vote for other demographics coupled with economic policies like shutting down the government or holding budgets hostage, you increase fragility into the system of lending, buying and ultimately hiring of these middle aged white males with no college degree and no skills to do the jobs available. This is also the your parties base that you need to vote for you to keep you in power, so it makes no sense and as a result when asked about this the reply is, "the other party is in power." which isn't true because of the majority in both houses, so what gives? That's why the system is broken and why people are unsatisfied with government and a majority believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. It's because of the age old practice of listening to your constituency and caring out their interests instead of running negative campaigns that capitalize on a broken system that you broke. I said that backwards, but it fits because you have to reason backwards to make it work. If that's not confusing enough consider this next point. To understand this next quote, you have to consider this is the justification for hiding the truth. "Open conversation, conducted with the expectation of privacy, isn't necessary for the precondition formation of collective wisdom and consensus. If we eviscerate the possibility of transparency in politics, we decrease the likelihood of poor decision-making." In other words, include Legal Lingo in your parties platform to say the uninformed voter is our base and here is the rationalization for it. This is regime rhetoric and the result of consorting with a third world dictators. Being complacent about rouge attacks within your own borders to use them to fan the flames of hatred, is moral turpitude of essential ethics. It's the compromise of national security for your own benefit. After months of vilifying other people for rigging the system you're engaging in system rigging of your own, to cry foul is a misnomer and often arises because the thing you named, "Crooked," was proven admonished and received its vindication a long time ago. If it were true illegal activity, its true nature would have been discovered by now and would have been brought to light for all to see. You may also be simply using a word incorrectly or misleadingly to deflect attention from your own scandal, but essentially the truth will eventually come out. With the assistance of one particular 24 hour news network devoted to twisting facts into pretzel like contortions of their former selves, we've seen everything from police state references to Jim Crowe dogma and confederacy worship. If I see the likes of Pat Robertson again claiming Rapture & Apocalypse, I'm going to take my ten dollar donation and give it to the first person claiming they can counter his claim to the moral high ground. It's a disgrace to Christians everywhere to see these Machiavellian creatures insisting on promoting hate messages. "Remember it is better to be feared than loved, because those who love you will always expect something from you but those who fear you will be cautious and willing to find a good standing in your standing!" That is straight out of the Prince II the most prominent studied chapters of advisement to keep empirical power. See Donald, they rest of us underlings have the same access to information because we live in a free society, so elitists who are depending on having an edge in the game can also say, "Deal Me In." I’ve run out of words to express my shock and how completely beyond the pale that Donald Trump is as a potential leader of the free world, the commander in chief of our country. This was truly beyond the pale. I mean, he is encouraging Russia, which by all accounts was behind the leak of one of our major political parties, to do more, to go beyond, to try to hack into Hillary Clinton’s server to find missing emails to kind of get in the middle of the scandal. It’s as if this is a child playing with matches who doesn’t understand how badly he and the country can get burned. It’s a very serious thing. And I think that the one thing about Trump is that he is very clear for all to see. He is making very clear what he thinks, how he comes by information, and I think, frankly, the lack of seriousness and the intemperance with which he speaks about important national security matters should certainly give people pause. And I don’t think there’s anybody who would think that was anything but a fair reading of what we’ve seen here. Vladimir Putin is dangerous. He’s been dangerous to a Democratic president, to a Republican president, President George W. Bush who thought he had a better relationship with him. And now this nominee of the Republican Party wants a closer relationship with Vladimir Putin which is what he said. And he thinks that he has the ability to have a better relationship. There’s no evidence to believe that’s the case. “Government governs best which governs least”—have been used by the right wing to wage a war on federal authority while trying to change our perceptions of the past. In the late 19th century, far from wanting to eliminate the power of the federal government, “All the robber barons depended on government and their manipulation of it.” Railroad financiers Collis Huntington and Leland Stanford managed to see “higher purpose” in the bribery of politicians: “If you have to pay money to have the right things done [said Huntington] it is just and fair to do it.” The right has also made ceaseless war on unions, which “did more than any other organized force in American politics to address the concerns of less affluent citizens.” The unprecedented concentration of wealth among the few have built what sociologist Isaac Martin calls “a rich people’s movement.” “Christian conservatism, polarizing right-wing media, and growing efforts by business and the wealthy to back stop and bank roll Republican politics.” The conservative media helps whip their people into line: “If you stray the slightest from the far right.” As early as 1988, Newt Gingrich, in a speech to the Right Wing Heritage Foundation, called for “a civil war” with liberals: “This war has to be fought with a scale and a duration and a savagery that is only true of civil wars.” “speak like Newt.” A Gingrich associate characterized the tapes as “all about how to demonize the opposition, how to use invective and scary language.” And, Democrats are the enemy of “normal [sic] Americans.” I've been a listener of conservative radio. I remember when they use to attack Bush I and W for being centrist republican presidents. Since then times have changed in that we can listen to those same broadcasts, but now they call them podcasts to transform to the new age of digital technology, but it's the same red meat rhetoric. One of the problems of working class American experience is that once Big Business understood that outsourcing their labor was a way to lower costs and boost profits, they all moved over-seas leaving vast amount of Americans unemployed. These things increased financial instability and lead to the Great Recession of 2008. Since then, the Carl Rove associates have been blaming every single symptom of trickle-down economics on Democratic leaders when none held the power to let Wall Street loose on the financial markets. Every single bet that lead to the housing crisis, the tech bubble, the manufacturing exit and finally the Mortgage & Lending crisis was the result of letting the financial managers write their own rules. The Occupy Movement didn't just suddenly appear one day out of thin air. Marchers for equality and racial justice didn't just happen to coincide with national attacks of gun violence and mass tragedies. People are upset and afraid and being left to fend for themselves in a country where 1% of the population holds more wealth than the entire 99% of the country. "Lives Matter!" no matter if you are Blue, Red, purple or Black, everyone matters to this planet. For that matter, Climate Change can be scientifically proven that humans and their actions are affecting the environment. We're not adolescent or uninformed about this phenomenon. It's very obvious that these issues are being politicized for the benefit of already wealthy & powerful companies. In countries where valuable natural resources were discovered: Rather than thriving, such countries often crumbled, economically and politically. The newfound wealth, instead of raising living standards for all, generated violence, as well as accelerating the growth of inequality and corruption. That can be said for material wealth as well, but American exceptialism considers that were insulated from these vulnerabilities and were not. When you take this idea of global economy and apply it to reality, were losing because of our greed. In most cases, you invest, build a market than eventually profit. The only thing were offering the world is our military and that funnels money into the hands of contractors not free enterprise. We grow food for other places, but don't have much of an aqriculture lobby. We outsource are assembly lines than import the products to sell here. You can't just take the consumerism society and expect to grow domestic markets if you don't pay anyone a wage that can spend. Succumbing to trickle-down economics has proven time and time again stagnant markets. It's math folks, basic equations that result in a positive number or a negative one. Let me change the subject and describe the judgment where we begin to go wrong by citing the media's coverage of the republican convention. "I didn't hear a single commentator mention the way Trump, in full furrowed frown and eyes narrowed to slits, would step back from the podium after a pronouncement during his speech and let the roars wash over him. I for one had never seen an American politician make that self-aggrandizing gesture, and I have seen a whole lot of political speeches. Why is this important, and why should some pundit have noted it? Because Trump’s is precisely the posture you see in films of Hitler and Mussolini speechifying. Precisely: The Great One accepting the servile gratitude of the crowd while he strikes the pose of an unappeasable god. We haven’t had that gesture in a democracy. Now we do." That's a vivid reminder to the complacency of the media to do a critique of a legitimate party candidate running for the highest office in the land. Only one journalist made this observance after pointing out that only one on the air journalist made any attempt to solidify how ridiculous the whole spectacle was. One! People are in shock and scared to say anything in fear of being beaten into submission with repetitive tweets or full blown press conferences. Bias is strategy with this candidate and he is using it to demonize a basic liberty. We are supposed to question statements and claims for truth and compare how that fits into reality, but with a reality tv host we won't even do that? In contrast, this is how journalists cover the competitors nomination: " They’re stories of how Hillary has never been able to sit idly by in the face of injustice. Those stories … are all true. That’s why she’s hated. It wasn’t just the people who supported better facilities, genuine opportunities, and greater equality that noticed Hillary. She was just as obvious to the people who didn’t want those things. They started early throwing obstacles in her way, not because she was incapable, but because she was so very, very capable. For forty years, she’s been shouldering aside not just screams of “lock her up” and cries of traitor, not just Bengahzi and email and a hundreds different “gates,” but claims that she did everything from stealing the White House furniture to murdering an old partner." "But if Hillary hasn’t let all those individual attacks slow her, and she’s not going to let the accumulated weight stop her now. She has to move forward without wasting her time trying to fight the fog of lies." "70 percent of Donald Trump’s statements as “mostly false” or worse, while Hillary rates only 28 percent in those categories, Hillary isn’t going to fight on the ground where the Republicans want her to fight. She’s not going to spend three months fighting four decades of lies." On another Note, Thursday July 28th should be highlighted for the definition of Religious Liberty to be clarified. During an appearance at the Democratic National Convention, "Khizr Khan Helped Democrats Take Back Religious Liberty." “In this document,” he said, holding up his pocket Constitution, “look for the words liberty and equal protection of law.” Liberty and equality: Two constitutional guarantees that are intertwined and interdependent, each building on the other, each a critical component of freedom in a democracy. “Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?” Khan continued. “Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America. You will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.” In essence, pointing out the fact that people's belief is sacred in that it is an essential freedom to choose the core values that's guides one's own life choices and it has nothing to do with culture or religion. This is a stark and powerful reminder that not only does the current populism component promote a narrow world view, but this type of separatist message is uniquely disqualifying and on the verge of un-patriotic. That is a huge goal achieved in that an immigrant that has acquired citizenship and then lost a child in a heroic act fighting the very enemy proposed by the political opposition can challenge the party's nominee to examine the law which his son gave his life to defend and realize it is the exact opposite in understanding of what the candidate claims it is. This is the dangerous know nothingism of the right that has claimed a real victim today in the form of a political leader and the mass that will follow him to our doom.

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