Monday, March 5, 2018
The algae in Chesapeake Bay
I've encountered two subjects that seem to be completely separate, but for some reason they are forming one thought in my mind that they are connected. Okay the first subject is racial division and growing prejudice. Although this is not new it has been getting traction lately in either direction. No matter if your pro integration or for discrimination, you might be able to follow my storyline and eventually get the point at the end.
The other topic is about high nitrates in soil robbing plants and fish animals of oxygen therefore producing dead zones where nothing thrives. Okay my thought is this, in the same way farmers offset the production of nitrogen by growing secondary crops to suck up the nitrogen in the soil would if we created platforms that likewise took the steam out of racial inequality and division amongst people?
Well this can be looked at in a couple of different ways but let's discuss one of the first. "Backlash," is the phenomenon where something has already been enacted and the result was the opposite effect of what was predicted. Take for instance affirmative action programs where racial inequality caused institutions to form policy which attempted to even out the statistical numbers of college acceptance.
It's a simple mathematical equation of counting the numbers of minorities accepted into university and limiting the acceptance of majority students until the "Qualifying," number of minority students are reached. In this example, it's much like adding additional crops to consume the nitrogen in the soil so that the over abundant chemical will not have a negative effect on the entire ecosystem.
Now that is vast over simplification of saying nitrogen in the soil is like a majority population of students who originate from a upper middle class background because in this example nitrogen has a negative effect on the surrounding area, but having more affluent students in a local university couldn't possibly have the same effect, so what's the point?
Well let's imagine that the nitrogen in the soil has the power not only to drown out all of the other variety of species in the area, but it's also introducing additional challenges to provide bio-diversity which is being limited. Now imagine, all the upper class students attending only the local university and no minority students attending. Problem solved, right? Well no actually just like limiting the nitrogen to give a variety of plants and animals the ability to flourish, by limiting affirmative action in higher education, you cut university funding for things like environmental research.
This is a viewpoint to eliminate an adjustment to a problem already solved. This directly contributes to a new problem that has been introduced, so it proliferates a challenge to not only solve the problem, but to resolve the opinion that contributes to the problem. This is referred to as, "Backlash." Reversing a decision to implement a change doesn't vanquish a problem it only amplifies it. I believe this is what we are experiencing today,
I ask myself, "where does the idea originate to reverse a decision?" The answer is found in the minds of people who never agreed with the original decision. I'm not saying they didn't agree with removing nitrates from the soil, but they didn't agree with having to send their students to other universities because the local university had met its quota of local applicants.
You have to keep in mind where these policies originated and what was going on in the world at that time and that is where we are today. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was enacting policies, "The New Deal," to fight off the calamity of the Great Depression. His opponents accused him of collectivism which shifted away from individualism and contributed to the welfare state. Ronald Reagan's presidency was a testament to laissez-faire policing which in theory would 'save capitalism from itself,' by shortening the recession by opening up regulation to help Employers.
The core of the argument was lost because Reagan was a Hollywood, "New Deal," dealer and it was Herbert Hoover who raised taxes not FDR. The failure to create new jobs was because of the lack of new technologies and new industries demand for new products, so employers could not hire new workers. Is this sounding familiar yet?
Back to the subject of high nitrogen count and affirmative action. The idea is that if you study the facts, you will see that the core of MAGA (Make America Great Again) is based on disproven ideology that has been put to rest long ago or so we assumed. When people point to FDR's policies they might even go as far to say look at internment camps where Japanese citizens were imprisoned as a result of an executive order.
You know who else likes to write executive orders against entire racial or religious groups? Look no further than the current president and his administration. In the current president's economic plan, he intends to make trade deals with the rest of the World's Economic Super Powers to offset trade which he claims, "Put American priorities First." The problem with this plan though is America is by and large responsible for 20% of the World's Carbon Emissions.
So back to the high nitrate theory, if you don't create more sources to consume your potent chemical then the ecosystem will backfire and destroy itself and you will be left with a wasteland. 20% is quite high in the frame of the entire world and Donald Trump knows this, so his administration is of the influence that if you bail on all your agreements with foreign countries, you release your own limitation of producing fossil fuels and join what other country in the world? You might of guessed Russia.
This Russia connection isn't only about domestic presidential elections because it's about influence and money laundering. If you wonder why Trump is so indicative to use Twitter, it's because it insulates the bubble of opinion. The cone of silence in America's 1960 television series "Get Smart," was a recurring joke where those inside the device couldn't hear, but those outside the device could with the end result of communication neither being secretive or silent.
That in a nutshell is Trump's administration. He isn't trying to keep his plots and plans secretive nor was he ever intending to make them transparent. It's all a distraction device just as he constantly taints his own presidency with admissions of guilt. He doesn't intend to keep the public confident, but much on a larger scale distracted with arguing over the facts. It's a ploy to keep the mechanism of corruption and capital cronyism going.
Look at the algae growing in Chesapeake Bay as a result of high nitrogen presence in the soil. Now consider the state of Maryland could lose 22.5 Billion a year if they have to clean algae out of the bay. If they invest $22,500.00 annually or pay $90.00 an acre to farmers to grow crops that won't be harvested, but are solely being grown to consume the nitrogen, you will see the obvious solution. That is an example of economically using resources to stipend a loss source of revenue to stave off an even bigger problem. Is it social welfare? Maybe, but it's common sense, right?
Now, with something like following an affirmative action policy and applying it to University acceptance it's the same thing where an entity follows a quota guideline. Is it according to population diversity in the local area or is it statewide? Is it nationwide and numbers advocated to produce metro-statistical census information to spread over a wild perhaps mostly rural population? These are many unknowns, but what a person must first accept is that it's a practice that has a proven historical outcome and or benefit for all. This is where the challenge is.
Today's discourse is spread through using the Cone of Silence device in a modern form to agitate many through a silo of information. People are told only what they want to hear and the rest is vitriol propaganda with a twist. That being the case, it makes sense to criticize a particular race or religious group. It's not for the sake of discrimination, but to scapegoat those who would push back against your agenda. The idea is to spread fear throughout the population while instituting a regiment of policy roll-back.
"The Russians are coming," was a common call to arms back when the Cold War was at it's height. Today, it's being used to keep the opposition busy while progressive policies are deconstructed. The administrations perspective is that all bets are off and the legal interior structure of government is just an annoying detail to disregard. I look at it as probing the dam to see where it might crack.
You were threatened with losing Healthcare. You were threatened to have your relatives forever locked out of the United States. You were told that the media industry was the enemy and all reports of impropriety were, "Fake News." One by one, Trump and his administration probed the collective psyche to lambast progressives into different camps of special interest.
His transgender flip flops are meant to disrupt solidarity among progressive circles and break the alliance between social & economic groups. If these groups advance their agenda, he threatens to use voter bloc investigations to disarm them. He is using the government to shield himself and his conspirators from the law by suggesting executive privilege.
All these false claims are meant to disrupt the normal pattern of operation between the government and those it governs. We the people are the constituents and the supporters of elected officials, but that is exactly the mind set his distracted attempts intend to corrupt. United we stand and divided we fall, but the operation of distributing propaganda and misinformation is a smoke screen.
It's all meant to conceal the modus operandum where the ruling class dominates the legislature's objectives using the guise of authoritarian rule. This plays into the 30 plus years of setup that the far-right has been strategically implementing for nearly four decades. Make no mistake people, the conservatives are not about to abandon Trump as long as he can provide the potential for them to pass their agenda.
I've watched countless hours of interviews in which interviewers ask Christian Conservatives how they can justify continued support for this administration. In one case, the host asked directly if the Billy Graham and Nixon relationship effects Evangelicals and Trump relationship. The answer was quite stunning. "In our games of golf together, he was always willing to coach me," Graham was in denial about Watergate until the last. When he finally read through the Watergate tape transcripts — including profanity, political corruption, lying, racism and sexism — Graham remembers becoming physically ill. He said later of Nixon: “I wonder whether I might have exaggerated his spirituality in my own mind.”
For a Farmer, evidence of High Nitrate content is a no-brainer. When something threatens your crops and erodes the soil to the point of cataclysm, you react by finding the polar opposite effect and instituting it into your farming. Let's just say the harvesting of lost political souls should be the same, but unfortunately scorched earth is a policy we will be seeing for a while.
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