Thursday, November 15, 2018

Man Child Mentality

I'm actually having fun with all the feminine energy. It's a simple choice, either you accept what happened in the 2018 Mid-Term Elections or your Giant Bowl of Slime, it's that simple. Believe it or Not Boys, Ladies are half of the Electorate and if you want to continue to piss them off until your cast out into the oblivion, go right ahead. I'm sure the rest of us won't care if we see the likes of your kind for the next century. These jerks with their Clinging to Guns & Religion philosophy are about as current, as say Volksdeutsche. Now I know it takes an extraordinary leap of common sense for you to understand this, but right now I'm celebrating with women. I grew up with women. I was raised by women. Some of my best friends are women. All I can tell you is that it is nice to have comradery with the guys, but when you go home and want to be comfortable who better to spend your time with than a woman? Someone who is not Emotionally deprived or acts like a two-year-old. In early education, it's plain to see that girls are all about communicating and boys are about dominance & aggression. Now if you're a middle-aged man and you still want to be aggressive & dominant, I hate to inform you that the rest of us look at you like you're a child. It's simple, men who have matured into full grown independent thinkers and self-supporting role models, make a better world. Men who still need their momma to shoo away "Bad People," are an example of arrested development. I'm not saying everyone is without fault or that I myself didn't make many mistakes in my half a century of experience, but choices we're made, and the consequences of those choices contribute to where we are now at this particular moment. You can either decide that you're going to cooperate with the rest of the world or you're going to cling to your security blanket of misogyny, intolerance or hatred of others. It really is that simple and I am literally rolling on the floor laughing at those in my news feed who are fighting every little threat to their insecurity. I got news boys. The rest of us don't have that problem. "I'm with her," has a new meaning now. It's about the majority of people in society. We're all tired of your rhetoric. Your insistence that everything be done "Your Way," and frankly, "Your Time is UP." For example, in the State of Washington alone, voters approved a higher bar for Automatic Weapons and Police Over-Sight. What is the backlash? We have numerous stories where everyone opposed to operating under the conditions that the voters approved are speaking out. I want to point out. I personally don't have a problem with citizens opposed to or speaking out about policies they are against because 1st Amendment Rights protect Free Speech. What I do not understand though is when a requirement requires a higher principle or version of scrutiny, we as average Americans usually comply instead of trying to go on camera and reverse a decision made by the electorate. This is a prime example of the arrested development I am mentioning. You don't hear me cry around when some job responsibility requires that I learn a new technique or go through some type of mass re-training. Well, I might complain at first, but if I like my job and the money it earns to pay bills, I will comply. Going on television and trying to tell everyone who voted for this they're wrong, is just a knee-jerk reaction. Accepting the reality of the situation shows the person understands responsibility. That is called acting like a mature adult. Now let's take it a step further and say my role in society also puts me in the position of enormous power and that power includes the legal ability to take life from someone or end their life Seems to me when you put it in context, whining about a higher scrutiny seems rather obvious that the person doing the whining doesn't possess the maturity to understand the gravity of the situation. "I cannot do my job," is what the claim is. All I can think is, how is being aware of worst case scenario a, "I cannot do my job," scenario? What exactly do you need to do your job? Do you need to kill people with impunity? Assuming the answer is "Yes," makes me think you don't fully understand what it means to serve & protect. Using this as a "High Bar," or Low bar, depending on your own opinion, it's example of how we must be living in two different worlds. Another example is attitudes that guns are not the problem, but people are. In other countries where common sense gun laws rule society they have less than a thousand gun-related deaths a year. In America where we don't have the same standards the gun-related death count is over 32,000 and it takes in the consideration of mental health. What I'm saying is the idea that a "Madman," with a gun is the problem is a lie. Populations have roughly the same number of people with mental health issues. Maybe we just have to many guns! O boy! I can hear the echo of every middle-aged man with the mental maturity of a six year old screaming at me insults and offenses that would make a sailor cringe, but I'm willing to accept that attack because it's just words. What I'm trying to point out is that in today's climate, it's not just words anymore. People much like the Mail Bomber and the Synagogue attacker believe that real people must die for an ideological view. Even if this view isn't something real, but something they heard somewhere or read on the internet. That is the true essence of the Man-Child Mentality. So essentially, maybe you’re just blowing off steam or enjoy a good argument, but in the real world those of us who witness this type of behavior are starting to consider that there might be something wrong with you. I know that when I sense that my behavior is a bit off, I seek clarification to the individuals I offend how I might correct the behavior. In lies the rub of what I'm suggesting, social behavior or anti-social behavior is an extension of emotional maturity. As a man with responsibilities and an understanding that displays of aggression are a sign of weakness, I suggest to you my friend that you consider some counseling or just "SFU!" Until more men step forward and say this towards the fellow members of our gender, we will continue to see this type of behavior. All I know is that it's always been "Woman & Children First," in the world I live in. If you have a problem with that can you really call yourself a man?

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